Saturday 24 March 2012

DAY nine

Wow!  What a day!  I can hardly believe that it has been just one week since we stepped into San Felipe!  So much has happened, as we have been sharing, and we still have another week here!  Today was the wrap up party for the first week of San Felipe Outreach that we did with the first half of the team from England.  We started our day with some time at the beach…. as Dave Goff says "we're suffering for Jesus…" :)  He says that every time we have Fish Tacos as well…  It was a great time of rest actually after a week of walking the streets.  The sky was brilliant (as the Englanders say… )blue with not a cloud in the sky and the sun was shining in all it's glory.  (which we all are feeling now… )  We spent a few hours there swimming, walking, collecting amazing shells, and dozing on our beach towels.  The kids loved it!  We have quite the collection of shells on our table right now… We then had lunch together one last time with this team.  The lunches we share have been really tasty authentic Mexican dishes.  Something new every day.  I may be asking for some recipes before we leave!  

After lunch we prepared for the Fiesta.  A full sound system and band instruments were brought in, lot's and lots of used clothes, some hair dressers who donated their time for free haircuts, Dr. Miguel came to donate his time for medical help, (seeing a doctor costs money here), and between us and the England team we had beading, face painting, friendship bracelet making, nail polishing, and a few plays and puppet skits.  I think all the people we met over the past week came!  It was amazing to see all the kids come and take part in what we had to offer.   Our craft suitcase will definitely be empty when we leave next week.  These kids LOVE to do crafts!  We had pipe cleaners and piny beads and they had such fun making them into bracelets and ornaments.  I got pretty good at figuring out what they were saying when they would come up to me and ask me for help.  I was called "maestro"  which means teacher… :)  We ended the day with some worship, a short message and a time of healing and prayer for salvation.  Many came forward for prayer and many gave their life to Jesus.  Duane had the privilege of praying for a young boy, Liam's age, and he received Jesus.  He stood there and cried as he prayed.  We met this little guy on Saturday for the first time and could tell right away that he was a ring leader.  A few adults said later tonight that they have been praying for this boy to receive Jesus for a while now, and today was the day!  Thank you God!  He is a born leader and now will use his gifts for Jesus!  :)  

We ended the event with more worship and danced and clapped and sang in Spanish!  It was awesome!  One in spirit and truth despite the different cultures and language.  I really felt that on Sunday in church too.   So cool!

Needless to say, by the time we got home we were a tired bunch.  We sat and had a snack and looked at all our shells and talked about our day before heading off to bed.  Evan was asleep before we finished praying…  :)

Thank you God for the privilege of being your hands and feet in this amazing community.   

Till next time,

notes to self. 
environmental science lesson:  Mexico is closer to the equator than Canada. The closer to the equator the hotter it gets. 
biology lesson:  From the previous lesson we learn that sun shines in Mexico a lot. When going to the beach, put sunscreen on all of your exposed skin. Exposed skin reacts to sun, often in predictable and preventable ways. 


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